Since launching our new site a few weeks back, we've made some adjustments based off your feedback!
Here's the changelog:
Lifetime Stats
- Reworked Lifetime Stats component and moved to the top of profile overview tab.

Seasonal Overview
- Added "Battle Pass Level" tracker to the season overview.
- In the "Season Overview" section, you can now see a tag next to each playlist tab. The tag shows the number of games played for that playlist.

Season Peaks
- Added "inactive" seasons.
- Removed scrollbar when component expanded.

Additional Changes
- Added "inactive" seasons to "Seasons" tab. Inactive seasons can also be hidden with the new toggle.
- When tapping on an operator role on the "Trends" tab, the relevant operators are revealed.
- Increased font sizes for RP values.
- Removed Icons next to each card's title.
- Updated site theme and banner image.