We're excited to announce our new live match stat tracking tool available to console players!
Our desktop app has been around for many years which allows PC players to get live match stats on players in their current match. We know many of you have been asking for something similar for console, the day has finally come!
What data is available?
You can see seasonal stats for each player in your current live match, you can also see their level, max lifetime rank, top operators, and tap on any player for more stats. You can tap on any player to view their full detailed profile.
Here's a demo video:
Note: You can only view your own live match data. You cannot act as another player and see their live match info.
How do I get R6 live match stats on console?
Firstly, you'll need to download our mobile app.
Make sure your Xbox and/or your PSN account is linked to your Tracker Network account, our account management page. If you need help linking your PSN account, a guide is available here.
You can register for a free Tracker Network account if you don't have one already.
Once your Xbox/PSN account is linked to your Tracker Network account, sign into our mobile app, then click on the "My Profile" page.
You should see a "Looking for live match data" popup, or a popup with your current match roster if set up correctly.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is there a delay in detecting the live match?
Sometimes, you may notice a delay in detecting the live match if the match recently started. It can take Ubisoft up to 100 seconds to report a match has started. There's nothing we can do to improve this delay that may occur.
Why is the roster outdated for Quick Match/ Arcade/ Event matches?
Players frequently leave matches and different players join, Ubisoft is slow to report these roster changes.
Can I see live match stats for custom matches?
Unfortunately not, Ubisoft does not provide information on most custom games.
I can't see my live match roster.
1. Make sure you are signed into the mobile app with your Tracker Network (TRN) account.
2. Make sure the Xbox/PSN account you're playing on is linked to your TRN account. Make sure the Xbox/PSN account name is up-to-date too. Check here.
3. You need to be on the "My Profile" page in order to see the live match popup. If you can't see a popup regarding live match data, force close the app and reopen it.
I have multiple Siege accounts, can I link them all to one TRN account?
Unfortunately, not at the moment. We have plans to support this in the future.
Can I use this feature for PC matches?
Yes, however the experience on our desktop app is far superior. It's only a viable option if the desktop app is experiencing some downtime after a game update.
I'm noticing issues or need help.
Please note this feature is in a beta state. We hope we've squashed most bugs, but know some improvements are needed.
Reach out on Discord or our Forum if you'd like to send feedback or ask for help.